Sunday, November 04, 2007

Day 5 of workout

this Day 5 of workout is a full-body workout

30 mins HIIT cardio

3x15 bench press
3x15 military press
3x15 lat-pulldown
3x15 shrugs
3x15 side-bends
3x15 crunches
3x15 overhead side bends
3x15 weighted crunches
3x15 leg raise


tjunnie said...

dude, what fucking workout are you doing?
the amount of work you are doing is too much for a non-drug abuser.
if u feel fine, means its a pussy workout with no intensity.
and whats with the high reps? u r not injury free alway are you? high reps=high volume=higher wear and tear.
high reps=less weight=lower calories.

if u want to cut, u have to do less reps and more weight. control the diet.

pneoxian said...

I guess some people feel the need to express their knowledge and expertise to strangers whom they seem to think they know very well.

Especially when it seems as if they are trying to do a stranger a favor when they seem unable to handle their own lives'.

Pretty interesting.

Rzeznik Janczyk said...

naw not feel fine la but then after each workout feel like wanna die
cause this 3x15 thing i saw at some forum

ok ima change it to more weights and less reps
now controlling my diet too, eating 8 meals a day

naw penoxian, this tjunnie is my 'personal trainer' he taught me all the things i know about weight training

tjunnie said...

rzeznik, i dont want to start a flaming fest here man. but ur pneoxian friend here dont really look good. really. and what does he know about my life? hopefully its a misunderstanding.

btw, dude, sorry for the harsh comments. dont mean it ya. just that, after training with me, i cant have u do these kinda crap workouts man.

pneoxian said...
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Rzeznik Janczyk said...

no prob man
i will revamp this workout again